The 90s. Some say it was one of the stronger decades in recent memory. Strong music, humour and television. If you are one who agrees with this then Duckman: The Complete Series should make you happy. It certainly is a product of that decade with the humour and subjects it broaches. Don’t brush it off because it is animated as the series was a 3-time Emmy nominee.

Animated series aimed towards adults, Duckman (voiced by Jason Alexander) is about a duck who is a private detective, but not your typical one. He is rather disheveled, foul mouthed, neurotic and rather ignorant. It doesn’t end there. He is also a peeping Tom, alcoholic, sex addict…I could go on. Not exactly a winner. Women don’t want to date him and men don’t dream of being him. On top of his investigation duties he is also a single father of dysfunctional sons.

Despite all this Duckman along with his sidekick Cornfed (voiced by Gregg Berger), who saves Duckman’s butt time and time again, manage to solve enough cases to make his alimony payments and his cable bill.

As you can imagine from that description the humour here alternates between witty and crude. No matter where it is on the scale it is always hilarious. A wild ride which you won’t regret going on.

This might be Jason Alexander’s best work. He is perfect in the role.

Special Features:

-Promo Spots

-What the Hell Are You Starin’ At?: A Special Investigation Inside Duckman, Private Dick/Family Man

-Six Degrees of Duckman

-Designing Duckman: Inside the Creation of an Anti-Hero from Comic Book Character to Screen Star

-Video of the Original Animatic Drawings and Animation from the Unaired Pilot

-Walk Cycles, Expressions, Storyboards and Pencil Tests